Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting ready for outreach

I have been so busy enjoying life here that I haven't blogged in a while...sorry! There is always something going on around here, not to mention all of the awesome people here on the base from all over the world! I am doing great for the most part, and trying to enjoy this season of my life to the fullest measure.

Friday night was really neat because I spent so much time in prayer. We are gearing up for outreach, so each night during dinner (from 6-7pm) we have prayer to cover our trip to Germany. I was so full of joy after praying Thursday and Friday night. We can either fast the nights we pray, or have the kitchen save us a plate and eat later. We have different stations including tables where we can write notes of encouragement to each other, and write down our fears for outreach, and then tear them up at the foot of the cross. There is also a station with a map of Germany and a map of Costa Rica where we can write prayers or scriptures for the perspective nation. We have an Operation World book at the station that gives several facts about the country and also lists some specific ways we can pray for the people there.

I also prayed with my both of my prayer partners, Carol and Ryan. Ryan is praying for me until we go on outreach, and Carol is my new partner until we complete outreach in Germany. She and I share how our day has gone, what we we are struggling with,what our praises are, and then pray. Then I had tea with my South Korean friend, and we prayed for each other. She prayed for me in her native tongue, and it was awesome!

This week is our last full week of classes, and we are learning about Evangelism. We learned today that evangelism starts with places of closeness with God ( i.e. hearing His voice). We have several teachers this week, 2 YWAM German missionaries from our base, one volunteer YWAMer from Switzerland, and and we are Skyping (webcam stream) with John Stenson, a YWAM staff member from Wisconsin.

Please pray for our team to be unified as we head into outreach. The enemy is trying to come between us in small ways, so pray that we see his schemes and talk our frustrations out with each other instead of gossiping, and becoming bitter.

That's all for now...

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