Sunday, November 28, 2010

Relationships and kids ministry

Last Sunday 11/21

We had another busy week and weekend, and on top of that, I’ve had a sinus infection for about a week now. I was in bed most of the day today, and by the grace of God I managed to get some good sleep. My 9 roommates were not in the room most of the day, so I was so grateful for them allowing me to rest.

We had a great week on relationships with Marjolein, and really enjoyed the truths she shared even though I was convicted of my lack of humility and patience repeatedly. We discussed ways to cultivate humility, so I can reflect back on my notes and try to walk more humbly before God and people. We also talked about lustful desires, and I’m not just talking about sexual desires. If we do or want something all the time, that’s lust. Lust is a selfish decision, and it is not normal. I was convicted when she said that God takes it personal when we resist sin, or when we don’t. Also, by denying our lustful desires, we express our love to Him. Now, how was I to eat that Snickers candy bar in my room after that? I know that’s funny, but in all honesty I really struggle with food. It’s been hard here because if I’m not happy, chocolate is the best answer, right? Well, I want God to meet my needs, and for Him to be my Portion. This is just one of the many lessons I’m learning here.

We had a great time( my favorite thus far) working with kids last Thursday. We drove about 30 minutes to a school that was turned into a shelter for the last several weeks. You may have heard about the severe flooding and mudslides here about a month ago. People lost their lives and homes, so the Salvation Army is helping these families here in San Jose until the end of the year. I’m not sure where the families will go after that, but they cancelled classes at this particular school until then. Most of the parents were at work when we arrived, so the kids were ready for fun. We did a few skits and played several games with them. We also painted their sweet little faces, and one of my teammates gave the moms hand massages. I was asked to paint a teens nails because Jody was busy with massages. I can’t even remember the last time I painted someone’s nails or even my own for that matter. I didn’t have the option of saying no, and I was glad that I didn’t. It was such a simple thing to do for this sweet girl who had lost her home, and I wanted to make her look pretty. I didn’t want to paint her nails because I wasn’t going to do a perfect job. God told me to get over myself really quickly, and told me that she didn’t care if I didn’t do a perfect job. Both of us walked away smiling, having been blessed by one another.

I was amazed at how affectionate the kids were with us. Kids of all ages were hugging us and held our hands. They didn’t care who we were, they just wanted love. I was so touched by several kids, but one little girl asked if I could be her friend, and I just wanted to melt! She was just too precious! She took me to meet her baby cousin in one of the classrooms where we they were sleeping. I got to hold the baby and meet her mom and aunt. They said they lost everything, and didn’t know where they would go after the shelter closed. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was like to lose your home and have a 4 month old to care for.

Friday night we were supposed to leave for Jaco, a beach town, but leadership said they felt we not to leave until the morning. Just as our meeting was ending, we heard a loud noise outside, and then a woman started crying. She was on a motorcycle and evidently tried to pass a truck, and he hit her. She broke her leg, and was in immense pain. I will never forget the loud smack, then her crying. Several people from the base went outside to help. We have a nurse on base temporarily and she went out to give aid with another missionary who had been on a mercy ship with YWAM years ago. Our guys ran out and immediately started directing traffic around the accident. We all started praying when we heard her crying. Several students and staff stayed with her until the ambulance came, and even long after that to direct traffic. I went outside and could see her face, but I just couldn’t bare to view her leg. Some of the folks here spoke to her aunt and were able to pray with her. She was leaving her aunt’s house which is across from the base when the accident happened. We don’t know how she is doing at this point, but have a card for her, and a few people on the team are going to give her the card in the next few days. The aunt said she was so grateful for our people being there for her niece and for praying with her.

Our ministry Saturday in Jaco went well too. We had a blast playing with kids again. We went to an area of town where some Nicaraguan folks lived off a little river. We actually had to cross the river in our flip flops to get to the area where the kids were. The homes were just little shacks, but the people we met that lived there were full of smiles.

We got to go to the beach for a few hours after the kids ministry. It was so beautiful and sunny. I really needed this time away from the city and was able to relax in the sun. I rested in the shade too because it got quite warm and read a little of our last book during lecture phase called The Book that Transforms Nations: The Power of the Bible to Change any Country.

We left the beach and went to a small youth service about 4pm. We mingled with the teens who were mainly under 18, and listened to one of them preach for the first time. The pastor and his wife were super nice people, and they were excited for this young guy to give the message that night. We left there and went to a YWAM missionary home for dinner, then drove home.

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