Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We are in a war.... really!!!

We are learning about spiritual warfare this week. Our teacher for the week, Terry, is from a base here in Costa Rica. He is a really neat man, and actually lived in Texas for several years as a rancher with his wife. I went up to shake his hand today, to give him a nice Texas welcome, and he went to hug me. I told him I wanted to shake his hand first, then received his hug. He is super sweet, and a very godly man. He has done a great job this week, teaching us about the battle that is being waged 24/7 here on earth and in the heavenlies. We discussed the nature of satan today, because he said if we don't know our enemy and how he operates, we can't fight him. We looked at several scriptures that showed just who satan is. He is a deceiver, liar, full of pride, an accuser, a destroyer, a murderer, a thief, and well, you get the picture. I look forward to the last 3 lectures for the week to gain a better understanding of the war we are all in,whether we realize it or not!

I went on a long jog/walk today, and ate lunch later. It always feels so goo to exercise, and I take the opportunity any chance I get.

Today for our small groups, the 2 groups of girls were combined for a fun time at Vanessa's house(full-time missionary here on the base & my favorite teacher so far). It was nice to be in a real house and enjoy some fellowship with my sisters here. It was super relaxing and refreshing to chat and get to know people here better. Vanessa shared that almost all of their furniture was given to them by another missionary couple who had been here about a year, then were called back to the USA. They have a nice little apartment a few minutes from the base.

Prayer requests

*That I would get good sleep here. It's hard to sleep when I have so much to read and do, and then when I want to go to sleep, everyone else wants to chat right outside my room!. I really don't like being old sometimes!

* That I would build deep relationships with my team

*Team unity

I will post more later... sleep calls!!!

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